Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Soul Choice

Life is full of choices. What are you going to wear in the morning? What are you going to have for breakfast? Are you going to hit that snooze bar again so you don't have to think about those two things for another fifteen minutes?

One of the major choices has to do with our soul. Who does it belong to? Who has control over it? Do we? Does God? Does someone, or something else? I ponered this for awhile and wrote this poem to help sum up what is going on in the spiritual realm dealing with our souls.

Soul Choice

for your soul.
Who wants it more-
you, God, or the devil?

Holding on
isn't easy,
but letting go
is harder.

The decision to release your
life lies solely in your hands.

Freewill to have it all
and freewill to hand over

Who will win the argument?
Who's hands do you leave your
soul in?

So everyone, the choice is yours. Do you let go and let God? Or do you run your own life the way it always has been? It's up to you.

Until next time, Where are you?



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