Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Jesus- the Wounded Healer

The true meaning of Easter seems to get lost somewhere between the candy and bunnies. Christ's death and resurrection seem to be pushed on the back part of people's minds, but what we fail to realize is that without Christ, there would be no Easter. There would be no hope for new life. There would be no hope for eternity. His death represents the burden of all of our sins ever committed and yet to commit. He took it all upon Himself. It also represents the slain lamb that was once meant for us to sacrifice to atone for our sins. He is the lamb of God. He gave up His life for us. Are we willing to give up ours for Him? I don't mean actually physically dying. I mean are we willing to give up everything for Him?

His resurrection represents the miracle of new life. It shows that even death cannot defeat Jesus! How cool is that? Could you image seeing someone whom you thought was dead or maybe even saw die walking around alive?! Image what is was like for those back about 2000 years ago. Well, you can have that new life also. Jesus can wash away all your sins as well. It doesn't matter what you've done. How big or small you think your sins are. He forgives you! You just have to ask.

Grab a Bible and see what it says about being saved. Do you truly believe? Do you want Jesus in your life? Then read the short prayer below to ask Him into your heart. Personalize the prayer. It doesn't have to be word for word. God knows you and your heart. Remember that He loves you no matter what.

All Have Sinned - Romans 3:23, Romans 3:10, Isaiah 53:6
God's Remedy for Sin - 1 Corinthians 15:3-4, 2 Corinthians 5:21, Ephesians 1:7
All May be Saved Now - Romans 10:13, Ephesians 2:8-9, John 3:16
Assurance as a Believer - Romans 10:9-10, Romans 5:1, 1 John 1:7, John 5:24
Jesus is Coming Again - 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, 1 John 3:3,2

Pray this prayer and make it your own.
"Dear Jesus. I am confessing to you that I am a sinner. I believe that you died on the cross and rose again so that I might be free. Please forgive me of my sins and cleanse me from them. Come into my heart and into my life. Thank you, Amen."

I know that this is very simple. That's all it has to be. God isn't exclusive, He's inclusive. All can be with Him in Heaven. All they have to do is ask. As John 3:16 says: "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that who ever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." That's good news, isn't it! So go tell someone! Eternity isn't exclusive! Everyone can have it! Everyone can have Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour!

So go with the reassurance this season that you have Jesus in your heart and life. That you have eternal life! To read more about the Easter story, read Matthew 26-28.

Wounded Healer

Born in a stable.
A humble beginning.
Lighting the way,
with His first breath of life.
The Messiah’s here.
The Redeemer is born!

He’s the Wounded Healer.
He’s the Redeemer and King.
He’s the way to salvation.
He’s the way to be free.
Just ask Him humbly and
He’ll bring you home.
He’s the Wounded Healer.

Healing the sick and
raising the dead.
Touching the lost
with only a few gentle words.
The Messiah’s here.
The Redeemer’s the way.

He’s the Wounded Healer.
He’s the Redeemer and King.
He’s the way to salvation.
He’s the way to be free.
Just ask Him humbly and
He’ll bring you home.
He’s the Wounded Healer.

Tried unfairly.
Unjustified lies.
Crowds speaking untruths
with each biting word.
“This man must die,” they say.
“He must be crucified!”

He’s the Wounded Healer.
He’s the Redeemer and King.
He’s the way to salvation.
He’s the way to be free.
Just ask Him humbly and
He’ll bring you home.
He’s the Wounded Healer.

He died on a wood cross
after just three days.
Darkness fell on that day
with His last breath of life.
The Messiah’s life was taken.
The Lamb had been slain.

He’s the Wounded Healer.
He’s the Redeemer and King.
He’s the way to salvation.
He’s the way to be free.
Just ask Him humbly and
He’ll bring you home.
He’s the Wounded Healer.

Excitement filled the air
one bright sunny morning.
The stone was rolled away.
The grave was now empty.
The Messiah lives!
The Redeemer’s alive!

Bow down before Him.
You know He is here.
Believe and trust Him.
He’s the Truth and the Light.

He’s the Wounded Healer.
He’s the Redeemer and King.
He’s the way to salvation.
He’s the way to be free.
Just ask Him humbly and
He’ll bring you home.
He’s the Wounded Healer.
Until next time, where are you?


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