Answers don’t always come immediately. They may come seconds after they are asked. They may come years from now. What ever the case may be, when you pray for an answer to be given, God gives it. It may be a small answer, it may reach beyond what you can comprehend.
God answers us in our distress just as Psalm 81:6-7 says. All we have to do is cry out to Him. It doesn’t necessarily mean He’ll answer with a thunder roll like this scripture says. It could be that profound and pronounced. That would be really awesome. However, He also speaks in whispers…that still, small voice that sounds so wonderful.
There was one time in my life that I questioned the existence of God. I questioned why He wouldn’t show Himself to me and if He even ever had. This asked when I had grown up in a Christian household, and had been a Christian for 15 years! What a question! I asked God for a sign of His existence or if He was all in my head. I waited and I soon heard a voice telling me to look out my bedroom window. I did so and saw the most beautiful Yellow Finches you have ever seen. Not so unusual you say. Well, this was in South Western Ontario. They are rare here. Now there’s an answer to God’s existence and a prayer all at the same time.
Prayer is a powerful thing. It can heal the lame, free the sinner, save someone’s life and it can even raise the dead! There is no limit to God’s power. Remember one thing, prayer is a life line between us and God. Without this life line, we are bound to drown in our troubles and the cares of this world. The only thing saving us from that is God and God alone. It’s prayer that keeps us in touch with Him.
Think of prayer like this, when you drop a stone into a puddle of water, what happens? Ripples form and become wider and wider as they spread from that stone. That stone is your burden. You have to let it go and drop it into the living waters of prayer. That prayer then ripples out affecting you and everyone around you. By your actions, by your understanding, by your love, now that you have let go and let God. Pray for peace of mind. Yes, peace of mind is an answer to prayer. Asking God to give you peace about a situation is imperative. If you don’t hand everything over to Him, including your worry you’ll be wrapped up with that worry. Then you really haven’t handed everything over to Him, have you? Peace ripples in ways that you may not see, but know are there. You know peace exists because you can feel it within yourself.
Answer to prayer is eminent. You may not like the answer, but it’s still eminent. The fact is you had enough faith to ask for an answer in the first place. An answer may lie within a thunder cloud. You may hear it rolling right now. How ever you hear God’s voice and your answer to prayer, just be still and listen for it.
You called in trouble, and I delivered you; I answered you in the secret place of thunder.
-Psalm 81:7Corinne<><