Sunday, November 27, 2005

Moose Playing Hockey

I'd like to take this time to let everyone know about one of my best selling designs at Noontide Designs. It's Moose Playing Hockey. With hockey season up and going again it seems lots of people want to show their support. Here are a few of the products I have available with the Moose Playing Hockey design on them. To order a product or to get more details, just click on the links below the images.

Hooded Sweatshirt
(Hanes...and really warm too!)

White T-Shirt
(Hanes Tagless Tee)

Teddy Bear
(Cute addition to your collection)

(180 Pages)

To see all of the products with Moose Playing Hockey including Baseball Jersey, Hats, Mugs, Mousepad, Infant Creeper, Wall Clock, Golf Shirt, Tote Bag, Messenger Bag (great for laptop computers), and more click on Moose Playing Hockey and enjoy hockey season long after the skates are hung up. GOOOOOAAAALLLLLL!!!!!

Until next time, Where are you?


Sunday, November 20, 2005

God Spoke

God Spoke and BANG! it happened is now available on products such as teddy bear, t-shirts, sweatshirts, and more. Just click on the link below to see all the products. Featured on this post is the Organic Cotton T-shirt.

God Spoke

Until later, Where are you?


Thursday, November 17, 2005

The Secret Place of Thunder

Answers don’t always come immediately. They may come seconds after they are asked. They may come years from now. What ever the case may be, when you pray for an answer to be given, God gives it. It may be a small answer, it may reach beyond what you can comprehend.

God answers us in our distress just as Psalm 81:6-7 says. All we have to do is cry out to Him. It doesn’t necessarily mean He’ll answer with a thunder roll like this scripture says. It could be that profound and pronounced. That would be really awesome. However, He also speaks in whispers…that still, small voice that sounds so wonderful.

There was one time in my life that I questioned the existence of God. I questioned why He wouldn’t show Himself to me and if He even ever had. This asked when I had grown up in a Christian household, and had been a Christian for 15 years! What a question! I asked God for a sign of His existence or if He was all in my head. I waited and I soon heard a voice telling me to look out my bedroom window. I did so and saw the most beautiful Yellow Finches you have ever seen. Not so unusual you say. Well, this was in South Western Ontario. They are rare here. Now there’s an answer to God’s existence and a prayer all at the same time.

Prayer is a powerful thing. It can heal the lame, free the sinner, save someone’s life and it can even raise the dead! There is no limit to God’s power. Remember one thing, prayer is a life line between us and God. Without this life line, we are bound to drown in our troubles and the cares of this world. The only thing saving us from that is God and God alone. It’s prayer that keeps us in touch with Him.

Think of prayer like this, when you drop a stone into a puddle of water, what happens? Ripples form and become wider and wider as they spread from that stone. That stone is your burden. You have to let it go and drop it into the living waters of prayer. That prayer then ripples out affecting you and everyone around you. By your actions, by your understanding, by your love, now that you have let go and let God. Pray for peace of mind. Yes, peace of mind is an answer to prayer. Asking God to give you peace about a situation is imperative. If you don’t hand everything over to Him, including your worry you’ll be wrapped up with that worry. Then you really haven’t handed everything over to Him, have you? Peace ripples in ways that you may not see, but know are there. You know peace exists because you can feel it within yourself.

Answer to prayer is eminent. You may not like the answer, but it’s still eminent. The fact is you had enough faith to ask for an answer in the first place. An answer may lie within a thunder cloud. You may hear it rolling right now. How ever you hear God’s voice and your answer to prayer, just be still and listen for it.

You called in trouble, and I delivered you; I answered you in the secret place of thunder.
-Psalm 81:7


The Big Bang

God creating the universe in just seven days has always been one of those issues that people can't seem to grasp and has been debated over for years. Okay, so it was six days, and God rested on the the seventh. Anyway, I've got news for you, it's sometimes hard for Christians to fully wrap our minds around as well. We simply believe it is so. We have faith that it is so because the Bible says so and the Bible is truth...a spoken, written truth of God. It is the book which our faith is based. It shows us how to come to Christ. It shows us of His love, His grace, His mercy, and His sacrifice for us.

As far as this so called Big Bang thing goes, here is my take on it. God spoke and BANG! it happened! It didn't happen when all these gases came together and exploded or whatever. I believe the universe, including the Earth, stars, planets, etc. came together when God spoke. It says so in Genesis 1:1. You know that verse that says, "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth."? This is my opinon based on what my faith is. I believe God's Word and I trust it. So BANG! I'm done this post!

Where are you?


Wednesday, November 16, 2005


Here's a poem I wrote which can sum up what it can sometimes means for us as born again Christians and our struggle to do what's right for Jesus Christ. It's appropriately named Christian Where? and explains why I use the phase "Where are you?" at then end of my posts.

Christian Where?

Are you here?
Are you there?
Are you genuine?
Are you fake?
Do you know Him?
Do you show?
Do you tell?
Do you care?
Do you dare?
Where are you?


It all began when...

Hey, y'all. Did I just say y'all? Anyway, just wanted everyone to know how Christian Where? began. Well, I already had up some shops with CafePress but I wanted to expand on them to reach the Christian market. You see, I found that there wasn’t a whole lot of Christian clothing/gear that appealed to me on the market so I thought that perhaps other people felt the same way. I prayed about it and I felt the Lord tugging on my heart to make these designs.

Before I knew it, I had several different designs, including ones which I created several years back but didn’t know what to with. However, all I had were the designs and not a name for everything. Then one morning I woke up and heard God speak to me saying to call it Christian Where? as in Christian "Wear" but with a twist. So it all snowballed from there. Now I have over 30 different designs! And within those designs are several different colours. The ideas just keep coming.

Well here's one of the first designs:

WWJD Pink and Blue

And in an alternative colour:

WWJD Blue and Red

Just click on the links below the images to see all the products available and to see what the designs look like bigger. Other products include teddy bear, mousepad, buttons, journals, magnets, sweatshirts, dog t-shirts, and many more. Black T-shirts are coming very soon as well. More products being added soon as well including kids clothing!

I don't want to make this post too long so I'll come back soon and keep everyone posted as to other designs, etc.

Until next time, Where are you?


Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Christian Where? Shop

Thanks for stopping by Christian Where?'s blog. This is a great spot to find an up to date listing of all of Christian Where? products such as hats, t-shirts, kids clothing, mugs, teddy bears and many more. Keep an eye out for new products that are coming soon. Also check us out for great Christian links. Until this blog is completely up and going, bear with us as it might look a little ragged. But be sure to check back often, though.

Until then, Where are you?

Matthew 16:15