Sunday, August 20, 2006

The Steps of the Father

One night just last week, God gave me a vision of a group of people, mainly youth, running out of a small cabin out in the wilderness at a high rate of speed. I saw Jesus walking behind them. I wasn't sure what all this meant until God spoke to my heart and told me that there are those, especially youth and young adults who lead themselves, instead of allowing Jesus to lead them. They follow their own path, running aimlessly and think that they can do it on their own. They are out in the wildernes wandering and running towards nowhere. I am myself guilty of this as many of us are from Generation X. We tend to give into the cliche label that we are all lazy and don't have any work ethic, we lack a sense of direction and tend to lead ourselves to nowhereville in the wilderness.

But Jesus doesn't want us to be that way. We need to stop living up to the cliche and start living for God. We need stop running aimlessly to nowhere and have Him lead us and guide us and show us direction.

The Steps of the Father

Following a path
of destruction.
Surrounded by
the wilderness
of your own making.
Following your own way.
Lead by yourself.
Aimlessly plotting
a course unknown.

Walk in the Way.
Walk in the Truth.
Walk in the steps of the Father.
Step our of despair
and into His arms.
Walk in the steps of the Father.

Following your
own beliefs
Surrounded by
the comforts of home.
Following yourself
and your selfish ways.
Lead by yourself.
Aimlessly wandering
a course unknown.

Walk in the Way.
Walk in the Truth.
Walk in the steps of the Father.
Step our of despair
and into His arms.
Walk in the steps of the Father.
Let Him lead you.
Wander no more.
Walk in the steps of the Father.
Let Him take your hand.
He'll be your guide.
Walk in the steps of the Father.
The steps of the Father.

Until next time, Where are you?
